Get abortion pills in Dubai: the essentials to know


Get abortion pills in Dubai

Absence, forgetting of contraception or failure of the contraceptive method ... So many causes at the origin of the occurrence of an unwanted pregnancy. Several methods are used to prevent the onset of pregnancy or to stop it. The main thing to know.

Emergency contraception, or the morning after get abortion pills in Dubai

Have you had a contraceptive accident (torn condom, forgotten pill, etc.)? Unexpected intercourse without contraception? It is to prevent pregnancy by taking so-called emergency contraception. It is a method of "catching up" which makes it possible to avoid the occurrence of an unwanted pregnancy. It should be put in place as soon as possible after risky intercourse, regardless of the time of the menstrual cycle. There are two types of emergency contraception: hormonal and non-hormonal.

Hormonal contraception is called the "morning after pill". This involves taking a tablet as soon as possible after unprotected intercourse and at the latest within 3 days of intercourse. How does it work to prevent unwanted pregnancy? The morning after pill delays ovulation. Note: the earlier the morning-after pill is taken, the more effective it is. The effectiveness is 95% when the tablet is taken before 24 hours; effectiveness drops to 58% when done between 48 hours and 72 hours. If you don't get your period within 5-7 days of the due date, take a pregnancy test. If you are pregnant and do not wish to continue this pregnancy, you can resort to a voluntary termination of pregnancy (abortion).

Be careful, the morning after pill does not protect against sexually transmitted infections (STIs). If you do not know your partner well, it is important to discuss the possible risks with your doctor. Preventive treatment after exposure to HIV (AIDS) is possible and screening may be advised. This medical appointment also allows you to take stock of your contraception.

Morning after pill: how to get it?

The morning after pill can be prescribed by a doctor or obtained from a pharmacy without a prescription. In this case, it is not reimbursed. For minors, the morning-after pill can be dispensed anonymously and free of charge in pharmacies. All women can get this emergency contraception free of charge at family planning and education centers.

This hormonal emergency contraception cannot replace regular contraception. It is less effective than this one.

The intrauterine device

The second type of emergency contraception is non-hormonal: it involves having an intrauterine device (IUD) or copper IUD placed within 5 days of having sex.

Its mode of action? The IUD prevents fertilization by making the sperm inactive. It also prevents the implantation of the possibly fertilized egg.

Emergency contraception with a copper IUD is the most effective method of emergency contraception. Its efficiency is almost 99%. It also has the advantage of being a continuous method of contraception. The copper intrauterine device can be left in place for 5 years.

Like hormonal emergency contraception, the IUD does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

Copper intrauterine device for emergency contraception: in practice

The IUD should be prescribed and inserted by a doctor or midwife. Specify when making an appointment that it is an emergency. If you have no contraindications, you can buy your copper IUD from a pharmacy on prescription. It costs around thirty euros and is reimbursed at 65%.

You can also go to a family planning and education center (CPEF).

If you have a period delay of more than 5 days, it is better to take a pregnancy test. If you are pregnant and you do not want this pregnancy, you can have voluntary termination of pregnancy (abortion)

Get abortion pills in Dubai: Voluntary Termination of Pregnancy

Are you pregnant and do not want to or cannot continue with this pregnancy? It is possible to terminate a pregnancy in France up to the twelfth week of pregnancy (i.e. 14 weeks of gonorrhea, which means 14 weeks after the last period): this is the voluntary termination of pregnancy (abortion). If your cycles are irregular or if you don't know the date of your last period, an ultrasound may be done to date the pregnancy.

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